Chiefs Are Prepared

The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Tribe

We all know that “build it and they will come” is a myth. Build it, nourish it, then constantly improve it and they will come is more like it.

Anyone can start a movement, anyone can create a cause. But if you want to build more than a passive, lukewarm community it will take guts, sweat and heart.

A community of raving, die-hard members is never built over night. Despite the hard work, there are many benefits to creating a thriving, enduring tribe.

Here are some of the rewards you’ll reap for your efforts:

  • Support when you feel like giving up.
  • More energy and strength than you could ever possibly generate alone.
  • Enrichment through many life-long relationships.
  • A raving community will allow you to make your passion your livelihood.
  • Perhaps the greatest — and most unexpected — gift is that leading a community will serve as a catalyst for you to become a better human being.

As you can see, there are many benefits to creating and building a die-hard community. But what makes a strong community? What’s the difference between a community that crumbles, and one that thrives for decades or centuries?

An enduring community is…

  • Rooted in deeply held values and is not simply a fad or quickly passing trend.
  • About moving toward something bigger than any one individual’s goal in the group.
  • Founded on creating major change in the world, or centered on a deeply shared passion.
  • Led not for self-interest, but for the highest good of the community as a whole.
  • Nourished by a sense of meaning and living out a common purpose.

So, how do you actually do it? How do you create a thriving tribe from the ground up?


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